Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Walk the Walk #audiobook

Most leaders focus too much on what they say and not nearly enough on setting an example. This audiobook shows what happened in those unusual cases of true leaders — in business, education, the military, and nonprofits — who always walked the walk, especially when times got tough.

In a skeptical world, their actions gave them more credibility than even the best possible speeches. Consider how:

• Herb Kelleher and Colleen Barrett of Southwest Airlines were serious about putting employees first, and proved it by sticking to a no-layoffs policy while other airlines made major cuts.

• Sony founder Masuro Ibuka, who stressed originality over profits, waited for years while his competitors made color televisions — and then released the Trinitron, a breakthrough product that blew the other sets out of the water.

• Martin Luther King Jr. was so committed to nonviolence that he let a racist detractor beat him up in front of a crowded auditorium rather than raise a hand against him.

Ultimately, leadership doesn’t depend on who you are, what you say, or how you say it, but only on what you do. The eye-opening examples in Walk the Walk will inspire leaders at all levels.

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